Rules: eating from the Easter Scheldt

It is very unique opportunity to gather your own shellfish meal together; mussels, oysters, periwinkles. Do keep to the rules, so as not to disturb the unique Eastern Scheldt nature. Sea vegetables like Salicornia and sea lavender and seaweed can only be harvested with a permit.




These are the rules:

  • What you collect may only be for personal use (with a maximum of 10Kg per person per day)
  • It is only permitted to gather along the foot of the dyke in the accessible areas, see this map.
  • You are prohibited to stir the ground, shovel, scrape and the like.
  • Do not disturb the birds.
  • It is not permitted to walk on the mud, nor to tread on the oyster banks.
  • Do not damage plants and seaweed while gathering
  • Rented shellfish plots (often marked with stakes) of at closed dyke routes, see this map


oesters rapen excursie

And we are not there yet, because additionally:

  • You may not take any crabs and lobsters (shellfish) with you
  • Beware of local regulations ordained by the municipality or water board.

Are you getting dizzy from all the rules? Hereby a few tips:

  • Around the Eastern Scheldt there are small beaches. Along the edges of the beaches at the foot of the dyke you can often find oysters and periwinkles.
  • Do you plan to go gather seafood? Watch the tide, because with high tide you will not find anything. You can see the tide here.
  • Only take what you will eat in the evening or the next day. It will not keep for longer.
  • Join an excursion. Go to the Eropuit page and select the proeven (tasting) icon.
Opkomend tij

Hoe ontstaat het getij?

In ruim zes uur wordt het vloed – het water wordt hoger, daarna wordt het in dezelfde tijd eb – het water wordt weer lager. Eb en vloed ontstaan door de aantrekkingskracht van de maan op het water op aarde.


De maan trekt als het ware aan het water, waardoor het water in de zeeën een bepaalde kant op beweegt. De aarde draait om haar eigen as en om de zon heen. Daardoor is de plek waar de maan het sterkst aan het water trekt telkens verschillend.



Meer weten?

Meer over het Getij